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Oracle Session


I always work directly with my guides and angels and gatekeepers. I pray and meditate before every session to assure I am only working with the highest energies of the Most Holy Trinity of God's light. My guides are the Ascended Masters and Archangels and my highest teacher is Jesus. My gatekeepers assist to make sure I am only speaking with your guides and angels. During an Oracle Session, I will make direct contact with your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels. I work as a go between to deliver healing messages from your team in Spirit to help you on your path. I start each session by connecting with them and allowing them to guide the session by opening with the messages they want to begin with. They are YOUR guides and know you best, therefore they know exactly what it is you need to hear to help you. Once we make contact, you are free to ask any questions you like. Most clients find by the time we get to your questions, your guides have answered most or all of the questions you had. This session is done over the phone and will be recorded and emailed to you after the session. 

Anchor 1
Mediumship Session

This Session is for those who would like to connect with Loved Ones who have passed on into Spirit. I always work directly with my guides and angels and gatekeepers. I pray and meditate before every session to assure I am only working with the highest energies of the Most Holy Trinity of God's light. My guides are the Ascended Masters and Archangels and my highest teacher is Jesus. My gatekeepers make sure only the appropriate Spirits speak with me. I can not guarantee I can make contact with the specific person you wish to contact, but generally, your loved ones in Spirit gather and come through to speak with you. I am certified and trained as an evidential medium in the UK style of mediumship which means I will work with your loved one to bring through specific evidence so you know you are speaking directly with them. I am also a physical medium which means I often take on their mannerisms, personality, and way of speaking, and feel their ailments briefly to communicate it to you. Often people in person, ask to hug me after a session because they feel their loved ones speaking through me. This session is done over the phone and will be recorded and emailed to you after the session. 

Healings (90 Min- 2 Hours) 

This is a unique session that is best for people who are feeling stuck in their life and need a change. People may have physical ailments, anxiety, depression or stuck in a job or relationship they are unhappy in or simply feel like they aren't truly living their full potential in life. In this reading, I call on the Holy Spirit to work through me and assist the Angels, Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides in clearing your chakras and reworking the energetic grid of your auric fields to reprogram your energy. This not only affects your physical body but it reprograms patterns and beliefs that are attracting the blocks energetically in your life to clear them and help you raise your frequency to attract the experiences and opportunities that you truly want in your reality. This is a process and can take up to two hours. Healing is like peeling back layers of an onion. The first healing will launch you onto your path and within days and weeks, you will begin to see huge shifts in your reality. Clients often see huge shifts and once they level up see growth at an entirely new level and are ready for another session after 6 months or a year to boost them to the next level. This can be done over the phone or in person. Sessions are recorded and emailed to you after the session.

Tarot Readings
Tarot Readings

This reading is for those who have a question or questions or want to know more details about a certain area of life . This session uses a combination of intuition, guidance from guides and tarot spread to receive guidance. 

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For any questions you have, you can reach me here:

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Rose Oletta

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