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Testimonials 1

Healing Testimonial: A few years ago when I met Rose I was in a really bad space. I was angry all the time and felt stuck in life plagued by problems that I felt helpless to overcome. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know how to change my course. To say she helped me is a complete understatement! In our first session, I was allowed to see exactly what was happening to me and where I was going wrong. I have never been so filled with love and light from a single event in my life! After my session, my anger had vanished. I felt lighter, happier and I was back on track! It was truly a turning point for me in my life and in my journey of spiritual growth, happiness, and success. I continue to have sessions with Rose regularly where she has helped me overcome abusive and toxic relationships, deal with past traumas and family issues, figure out my career path and get my finances in order among many other things. Rose is truly a blessing in my life and I recommend her to all my closest friends. She IS the REAL DEAL! I do NOT say this lightly, having a session with Rose is one of the most beneficial things you can possibly do. We all need answers sometimes and it's a blessing to get the truth. Thank you, Rose, truly for everything you have done for me! I am forever grateful!!! -CR

Mediumship Testimonial:

This was my 4th reading with Rose, but today it was different because Rose did an emergency reading for me while 1500 miles away visiting my elderly father. On my first reading, my deceased mother came through and advised us how important it was for us to stay together despite the distance. Rose gave us details and described everything even gestures! She described visions my mother wanted us to know. She gave us info about something going on that we didn't understand at the time, but when it came up months later we were blown away because my mother had told us through Rose. We felt we needed another reading right away. Rose was able to fit us in within hours and called us internationally. My father is elderly and from a religious background and was very skeptical at first. Rose called us and my mother came through immediately eager to tell us things. She confirmed to my skeptical father that it's her and tells Rose very specific things that only my dad would know and he confirmed it. My father was so excited and stayed calm but had a look of surprise and shock on his face. How can this be? She speaks the truth! My mother and father would strongly pray for Mother Mary and Rose has given us part of her gift by being able to channel with our loved ones spiritually and she has truly been given a gift by God to communicate with Angels, Guides and loved ones and prayers. We all need to have faith and love in this world and to love one another with God's purpose. Rose's reading has proved to us that no matter how far away the distance or in this life or after, God's love and prayers makes miracles! I truly don't have enough words to say to Rose for how I feel about her gifts! I don't know how much I can ever thank her! -R.L.



Mediumship Testimonial:

Rose Helped me find my peace with my loved one who passed. Such a great experience! I will continue to see her as long as I live!! Love her!       -


Mediumship/Oracle Testimonial:

Before meeting Rose, I was a complete skeptic. But it didn't take very long after her to make me a firm believer. Her gifts showed her aspects of my life that no one could have known. She gave me conclusions and closures to my cousin who had passed away 10 years ago. Without her guidance and constant reassurance, I'd still be the lost souI was before I had met her. From then on, I see life through a whole new perspective. And for that, I thank her! -JD

Oracle Testimonial:

I was so grateful for Rose’s connection to my guides during our call. It was like they were on the call with us. I started off having no questions, just listening to what it was i was being told. The information was so specific to me, i was caught off guard at first but I just went with it and began engaging. I have since taken the advice and gone on a cleanse to rid myself of a candida problem that my doctor nor I was even aware of. Im happy to report my tongue is getting pinker and pinker and ive lost 6 lbs in 5 days. There was of course a lot more personal info that came through but Im gonna keep that to myself😉 -G



Oracle/Tarot/Mediumship Testimonial:

Rose, I'm going to be brutally honest with you right now. Only because out of all the people I've had through my life, you are the only soul that I truly trust with my heart. I've been a mystery to myself this entire time I've existed, my humble soul tells me to keep quiet, to hide my talents. I've known my whole life I am a VERY talented human being and the only thing that's been a burden to how I felt as a person is how humble and shy I can be. Since I've met you, I have finally realized how special I am, to show the world my talents, but also to show them without fear. I know for a fact you were a blessing to me, and I will thank god every day for that. You've changed my life for the best it can be. You were blessed with a gift to help, and I feel like that's the greatest gift you can give❤ You brought tears to my eyes, you feel like an angel from God to me and I'm sorry if that sounds funny but true! Thank you for being a part of my life❤ 



What can I say about Rose? She's an oracle? A medium? A psychic, or a channeler? A priestess, a wise woman, a teacher, a friend? All seem to come up short describing the abilities and essence of Rose. Rose is the only person on earth that I trust with my spiritual advisement. She is like a radio to God. Just being close to her I feel divinely loved and protected. I am very discerning when it comes to my faith, and I trust her as much and even more then myself. When she speaks, spirit is speaking directly to me. She is like no one else on this earth and I am thankful to God to have her in my life. JF


Mediumship/Oracle Testimonial:

I went into the process very open minded and excited for my reading. Rose did an amazing job at making me feel extremely comfortable and was able to bring forward my deceased grandmother and relayed messages that were so spot on that were needed for some closure. We also talked about career, Love and how to start to better myself and the suggestions that she brought up were exactly what I needed to focus on my individual path. I highly recommend her and can’t wait have another reading in the future! J


Mediumship/Tarot/Oracle/Healing Testimonial:

“I first met Rose in January of 2018 and she has literally changed my life for the better. I was at a point in my life when I was repeating toxic patterns in my day to day decisions not seeing what I was doing. After time she helped me to see what I was doing and she showed me the behaviors that I needed to change in order to better myself. It’s definitely safe to say that this woman has opened my eyes and I can now see a clearer path for my future. She’s legit folks! “ - T.T.


Oracle/Tarot Testimonial:

Rose did a reading for me and brought up everything I was going through in my life without me ever saying a word or asking a question! She brought up medical issues with my son we just found out about the week before and told me the cause and how to help him. She also brought up my daughter's food allergies and even mentioned the unusual flavor of popsicles I purchased the day before! She also told me I would be receiving a much needed blessing that would relieve a lot of our stress. She was right! I couldn't believe it but two weeks later our family was chosen to receive a huge financial blessing! Rose is the real thing!


Oracle/Seer Testimonial:

Rose, God sends us Angels and people when we need help. You are truly an instrument of God.. you are a true Seer and an Angel on Earth. You are a beautiful daughter of Mother Mary and I beg you never to give up helping people. I came to you so desperate for help. I was struggling financially and was the only caretaker for my grandchildren and had no idea how the money would come in or how we would survive. Rose, you taught me to pray the rosary and promised me Mother Mary would bring me a miracle as you saw in the vision. I prayed the Rosary for 54 days like you told me and you said on the 27th day to start praying in gratitude because my prayer would be answered. However, on that day my grandson's scholarship was denied. I was so devastated and I said Mother Mary didn't hear my prayers and I was so sad I posted my disappointment on Facebook asking for prayers. A man in Australia saw my post and asked how much the tuition fees were and paid it that day! He and I continued to talk and fell in love and now he is my husband and we moved to Australia and our entire life changed. Mother Mary DID bless us that day just as you said!! We now have a deeper love for Mother Mary and the miracles of God. My husband and I talk all the time about what a miracle it all was and you my dear, Rose were the instrument that brought this all for us. I really thank you so much and always pray for you!  -A.V.


Mediumship Testimonial:

My name is Torrie and Rose has instantly become a part of our family since multiple our sessions with her. We are all very thankful and blessed that our loved one that has transitioned to heaven was able to communicate through her and reach us. Her capability to connect with my brother is nothing short of AMAZING! She is always accurate with her readings and still gives me a shock factor with her detailed messages that only my brother would have known. I would HIGHLY recommend Rose if you want to connect with someone in the Spiritual realm. We are all very grateful to have Rose give us readings and helps mend our pain for our tragic loss. Thank you Rose for sharing, your gift with us.We are forever in debt to you. Blessings! Torrie


Mediumship/Oracle/Tarot Testimonial:

Rose has just been a blessing in my life. Her readings have really exposed my true potential and all that I am capable of. She has shown me the light through the darkness and faith through fear. She has turned my life and views around 360 and I couldn't thank her enough. She is an amazing soul and was blessed with an incredible gift to help others. She is genuine, loving and a positive woman and a beautiful human being. I would recommend Rose over anyone. She WILL change your life! -M.H.



Mediumship Testimonial:

I cant' even find the words to tell you how thankful I am for you and what happened today..Thank you so much Rose. You are truly a blessing and I truly feel like we were meant to cross paths in this life. You have changed my life! -T.L.


Oracle Testimonial:

I am so thankful I found Rose. I'm not sure how I would have got through some very difficult times without her readings! From helping me understand how to harness the healing power of daily astrology into my everyday life to clearing my body of attached negative entities and explaining to me how I attracted them and how to prevent it from happening again. Rose has been compassionate and accurate in every reading I've received. She put me in direct contact with my own spirit guides which has been life changing to say the least! Rose is truly a gift.. a of a kind! I will continue to go to Rose for readings as long as I can. I always recommend her to anyone in search of answers and connecting deeper to their spirituality and connecting with their own guides. -SD


Oracle Testimonial:

My sessions with Rose have never been short of life changing. I mean this from the bottom of my soul. The exquisite detail in which she delivers messages from Spirit is miraculous and proves the authenticity of her gifts time and time again. Anyone who is blessed enough to experience such time spent connecting with Spirit through her will never forget it. God is so good to have given us you, Rose! Thank you for all that you do for this world in His name! -CS



Oracle Testimonial:

I've had two readings by Rose and both times I was impressed with her professionalism and her ability to explain how the content of the readings could improve my life and spirituality. With her help the spiritual part of my life has really healed and started to grow again.I can't express how thankful I am for meeting when we did, her work really helped me accept who I am and what I am on this earth to do. -CT

Healing Testimonial:

You helped me during a time in my life and with something in my life that no one else could really understand. You told me the truth, you connected me with my father, and with Spirit and taught me how to pray. You wholly believe in what you do and your kind of healing is special and unique. The kind of healing you give and show is like nothing you'll get from any doctor! After years of being on meds, I am finally off ALL of them! It took sometime, but the healing was what created a ripple of shifts in my life and I am now a success story! I feel SO much better. I'm a completely different person. I can actually laugh again. And I try to laugh as much as I can now! :) You're a kind and generous and honest person. I have shifted my view about God and beliefs since our session and am no longer an athiest. I think I'm a better person for it. -KR


Mediumship/Oracle Testimonial:

Rose is amazing. She is very blessed with a gift. I have been to several of her readings and have been very blessed each time. I always leave with a sense of peace and an overwhelming feeling or comfort. She was able to tell me about my father that had passed and help bring me the peace that I needed after he had passed. I truly believe in her teachings and her powerful words. I am thankful everyday for finding her and will be definitely be seeking her advice and teachings in my future. Thank you Rose for being in my life and showing me how to look at the world in a new way. H



Oracle Testimonial:

I met Rose in Sedona, AZ, at an Astrology conference in 2014.
We didn’t connect straight away there, however through keeping in touch
via social media, Rose and I developed a trusted friendship over the years.  
I believe our connection was divinely arranged by the spirit of God.
I have received many messages from Spirit through Rose.
Rose has a kind heart and a deep devotion to her service to God’s holy will.
She has the utmost integrity and I trust wholeheartedly whatever insights she
brings to me through her gifts.


Oracle Testimonial:

I have had many readings in my life from very well known psychics, mediums and readers and I had Rose do a reading for me recently and it was probably one of the most insightful ones I have ever had! She gave me some timelines and directions that I needed to help me move forward and some homework that would help me become unstuck in my life and help me move forward. Since the reading, I have been able to release some fears that have been holding me back and I have a more positive outlook for my future. I highly recommend her, she's absolutely awesome, accurate an incredible!  D.


Tarot/Oracle Testimonial:

Rose, was able to accurately predict my pregnancy, the health, and sex of the baby and even the sign and the fact it would be born early! It was awesome to learn about my baby's soul and personality and she made me feel at peace about my pregnancy. She's amazing! -IA


Rose is amazing. She is the real deal. Very accurate and insightful. She works from a place of love and healing, she works with God to help people and she is truly a blessing. Thankful to have found her.


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I often quote this poem by Rumi, "What was said to the rose that made it open was said to me here in my chest." 

Rose is the true essence of her name, a Rose with no thorns. She has a unique connection to the Divine and carries that Light within her. I am grateful to have had her come into my life in such a magical way. She is a true healer and messenger for God. Love.

-Wayne Dyer May 2015

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Rose Oletta

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