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Whether you have experienced any type of reading or healing before or not, I typically work a little differently then others.. There are many charlatans out there and my purpose first and foremost is to serve God by doing this work to bring forth healing, guidance and messages directly from Spirit. (Spirit is a term used to mean the Beings created directly by God, it is NOT to be confused as spirits/ghosts.)  It is important before you go to any Spiritual worker that you know how they work and more importantly whom they work with. I work as a conduit and  a messenger to facilitate the healing and messages from your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides to help you overcome obstacles, blocks and give you more clarity and guidance on your path.


     My guides are Ascended Masters, Archangels, my own Guardian Angels and Mother Mary and Jesus and the Holy Trinity. I am here to teach love in all its forms and therefore Jesus is my greatest teacher. I pray and meditate before every session and call in my Guides and Angels and the Holy Spirit. While it is my guides who facilitate the session, so I am always protected from lower vibrational beings, I am able to communicate with YOUR Guides and Angels and Loved Ones in Spirit, too. I have many clients of all faiths and many who are hesitant or even fearful to have a session, but have been reassured and referred to me by their loved ones and after our session, they are completely secure that I work directly with God and the Holy Spirit. 


I have full memory of who I am as Spirit and what my past lives were and why I am here now in this role of Messenger. I am here to help people to remember who they truly are as Spirit in human form and to heal their souls through understanding love in all its forms. All of my sessions are full the sole purpose of bringing forth healing and putting people on their soul's path in this life and connect them to Spirit.



The sessions are done primarily over the phone. (With the exception of group sessions, gallery reads and video tarot readings.)


All sessions are recorded unless you decline this service. The recording will be sent to you via email directly after our session. This will give you record of all the guidance, information, homework and messages given to you from your Guides, Angels and Loved Ones that you can reference as time goes on. 


You don't really need to do anything to prepare for the session. Some people like to have prepared questions, this can be helpful but I work by allowing your Guides to come through first and deliver messages and start the communication. Most people find their guides have answered majority or all of their questions before they have even have asked the first question on their list! 


I do suggest you take a few minutes before our session and just take some deep slow breaths and call in your Guides, Angels and Loved Ones and then pray that the guidance you receive is pure truth and from the Highest Source of Divine Love to help for your highest good. (Or however you choose to say it.)  


At the scheduled time of our session I will call you and you can ask me any questions you need or we can get right to it, as your guides and angels and loved ones are usually already connected and ready to go!

Contact Me

For any questions you have, you can reach me here:

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Rose Oletta

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